Hiking can be a great way to explore your own backyard, but it can seem a bit overwhelming to get started if you have never been much of an outdoor enthusiast. One of the greatest things about hiking is that you don’t need a lot of gear to get started, and it’s mostly free. All you need are a few essentials, a sense of adventure, and a trail suitable to your skill level to get started. Before we get into the nitty gritty of things, we answered some of the most common questions you might have if you are a newbie in the great outdoors.
What is hiking and why do people hike?
Hiking is just a fancy way of saying taking a walk in the great outdoors. It's a way to get out of the house, enjoy nature, and get some exercise all at the same time. People hike for all sorts of reasons: some like the challenge, some just want to soak in the beauty of nature, and others just want to escape the city for a bit. It's a great way to spend time with friends and family or even to find some peace and quiet. You can take a short hike or go for a longer trek, it's all up to you. And if you're just starting out, you can choose an easier trail and work your way up to the more challenging ones.
Is it safe to go hiking on your own? Even as a newbie?
If you're new to hiking, it might be a good idea to bring a friend along for the first few trips. Not only will they keep you company, but they can also help you carry snacks and, in case of an emergency, get you back to the trailhead. If you're determined on a solo adventure, make sure to pick a well-travelled and well-marked trail. That way, if anything happens, there will be other hikers around to lend a hand.
What are good hiking snacks to bring?
Snacks are key to any successful hiking trip. While the amount of food you should bring along will vary on the length and difficulty of the track you pick, a few staple pieces to munch on the trail are:
- Nuts and dried fruits
- Cereal bars
- Smooshballs/Bliss balls
- Fruit (apples, oranges)
- Veggie sticks (carrots, capsicum, cucumber)
- Sandwiches (PB is a great option to give you a little boost)
The ideal snacks don’t require refrigeration, don’t mind getting squished and jostled around a bit, are nutritious but lightweight, and don’t have a lot of packaging waste. Nothing is worse than getting hungry when you are only 2/3 of the way done and have no food left, so pack a little extra especially for your first few hikes while you are still figuring out what works best for you.
When it comes to hiking, layering is key. It's important to remember that the weather at the top of the mountain can be quite different from the conditions at the trailhead. So, it's always best to be prepared with a variety of layers that you can add or remove as needed.
A rough list of what to pack includes:
- Long-sleeved and/or short-sleeved moisture-wicking top
- Lightweight and quick-drying shorts
- Breathable socks
- Appropriate sneakers or hiking boots depending on the terrain
- Backpack - a typical day pack will be between 20 - 35L
- Wide-brimmed hat
- Water bladder or drink bottle
- Plenty of snacks and/or lunch
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses
- First-aid kit
- Walking poles (optional)
- An emergency rain jacket
- An emergency warmer layer
Do I need hiking/walking poles?
While some hikers love their poles, others find them impractical, and don’t enjoy having additional items to carry along. Generally, hiking poles are a great option if you need a bit of extra support for tracks with high elevation gain, or if you’re after a bit of extra support for your joints. Downhill walks can be especially hard on the knees, so having some poles can ease the impact. It's ideal if you can borrow some poles first, and see how you feel out on the track with them before buying your own pair.
There are a few things you should consider while picking the route for your next adventure out there:
- How much time do you have?
- What is your level of fitness?
- What distance do you feel comfortable with?
- Elevation gain - do you prefer the flats or steep summit climbs?
- Time of year and weather forecast.
- Logistics (hikes that aren’t loop tracks or only have limited parking might require you to book a shuttle or hitch a ride to get back to the start).
- Personal preference or scenery. Do you prefer a hike up to a summit with mountain views or walks though lush green forests to explore the native plant life? Choose a track that you feel most excited about and head out there!
- Be an early bird so you have enough time to finish the trail before dark even if you go slowly.
- Research your track before you go – this includes reading a few reviews online. Ideally look for recent reviews as these may mention fallen trees, extremely slippery sections, or other safety hazards. Visitor centres near the trail will also have this information on hand and are more than happy to give you some advice.
- Keep energised with yummy snacks, good music, or great conversations.
- Bring enough water to still have leftovers when you complete the trail.
- Leave no trace – anything you carry with you when you start the track should also be carried back out. Avoid disrupting nature or picking up souvenirs from the trail.
- Be mindful and respect others on the trail. If you want to listen to music, bring a pair of headphones. Let faster hikers pass you when there is a chance. Uphill hikers generally have the right of way, so step aside and let them pass if you are on the downhill - you will understand why once you are the one struggling up the hill.
- Start with easier trails (shorter with less elevation) to build up to the tougher hikes. This will make the whole trip much more enjoyable and healthier than pushing too hard too fast.
- Choose a popular day hike to start with so you don’t get lost. A well-marked trail that will have some other hikers on it is a great place to start.
- Sun protection is important all year round! Especially if you are out for a summit hike as you will often hike up above the tree line for the final stretch of the trail with the sun right above and only limited shade available.
- If you enjoy yourself, that means your trip is a success even if you didn’t reach the summit.