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How to pack light for travel

There’s nothing more frustrating than arriving at a new destination to discover the airline has lost your luggage. We'll let you in on a secret: the savviest travellers traverse the globe with only carry-on. When you only have carry-on, you skip the queue at the baggage carousel, are able to lug your belongings around easier, and know your luggage is with you at all times. Less is truly more, but how is it possible to live out of one small bag? Keep reading to find out!


Airlines are getting stricter with weight and dimension limits for overhead luggage, which can make packing for a plane harder than expert-level Tetris. Be sure to select the right bag, which needs to do more than just fit into the overhead compartment. It also has to:

  • Make your packing life simple.
  • Be easy to carry or wheel around.
  • Have multiple internal compartments for organizing your gear.
  • Be durable enough to withstand rough-handling.

Tip: A bag made of softer materials can mould its way into tight spaces and compress down if you still have some room available. It also makes packing lightly for a trip easier due to it not weighing as much as a hard-shell case.


A list can help keep you on the right track so you’re only taking what you really need when packing carry-on luggage. It will also ensure you don’t forget anything.

Write absolutely everything you think you’ll need on your list, such as:

  • Clothing – if your list states three tees, then only pack three.
  • Toiletries – keep these to a minimum and under 100ml each.
  • Electronics – small and packable is best.
  • Medications – can you store them without their excessive packaging?


Adaptable clothing is the key to packing for extended trips. Take a few high-quality items of clothing that serve multiple purposes rather than lots of single-use items. Not only is this better for the environment, but it’s also better for your packing list and budget.

Investing in high-quality materials, such as merino wool, will mean you have go-to items when it comes to packing for a flight, rather than rushing to a discount store for clothes that may have been made with low-quality materials under questionable factory standards. Merino is temperature-regulating and moisture-wicking, which makes it perfect for exercising in, while still looking smart enough to wear around town. And the best part? Merino is naturally odour-resistant, which means fewer trips to the laundromat.

If you’re going to be mixing outdoor activities with sightseeing, take hiking pants that also look quite smart for day-to-day wear. Rather than taking a very thick winter coat, take a lightweight, waterproof shell that you can use in bad weather, no matter what the temperature. Likewise, choose clothing with quick-drying materials. You’ll be able to hang it overnight if it’s wet and expect it to be dry by morning.


Choosing which shoes to take can be a challenge. Consider the activities you plan on doing over your travels and take a pair for:

  • All occasions – simple and versatile for urban exploring, dinners out and whatever else your travels might throw at you. Remember, comfort is key.
  • Exercising – assess whether standard sneakers will suit your needs, or if you need heavy-duty trail runners.

Remember to wear your heaviest shoes on the plane.


Digging deep into your pack for that elusive item can be a real travel frustration. Some of the best things to take on a plane are packing cubes. No more digging to the bottom of your bag trying to find a pair of socks – just grab the packing cube with all your underwear in it! When airport security wants to look inside your bag, you won’t need to pull out every item. Not only does it make finding items a breeze, but it's also a great way to separate your dirty clothes from your clean ones. We challenge you to try to find someone who owns these and doesn't love them.


Do you really need that second fleece? Research the places you’re going, the dress style the locals wear and the weather you can expect. For instance, there’s no point taking a heavy, bulky snow jacket if there aren’t any freezing temperatures in the forecast. The fewer clothes you take, the easier it’ll be to stay within airline carry-on limits. If you desperately need a clothing item when you get there, you can always shop locally. If you plan to shop till you drop at your new destination, then a travel hack is to take clothes that you were planning on donating anyway, and then donate them when you arrive at your destination.


The weight of your luggage can really be bulked up by too many electronics. An obvious no-no (unless you’re working while travelling) is taking a heavy, bulky laptop – your mobile or tablet will do the same job. Leave your Kindle or media device at home, and store any movies or e-books on your phone. If you’re into SLR photography, your mobile probably won’t be an acceptable substitute. But you can still reduce weight by leaving the tripod at home, taking only one large range lens and keeping cables to a minimum. Otherwise, rely solely on your mobile phone for your travel photography.


Wearing your vest or jacket, hiking boots and comfy long pants instead of packing them in your carry-on will free up plenty of space (and help keep you under airline weight limits). And if you don’t feel like wearing them on the plane, you can use your jacket as a pillow, or throw them in your carry-on pack once you’re onboard.

We recognise that a few of these tips are easier said than done - but practice makes perfect. Good luck, and happy packing!

Still unsure what bag to take? Check out our travel bag comparison page to find the right match.